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contact us

Please check the maps below to reach our locations.

We are willing to listen to our customers valuable advice, should you have any queries, please feel free to contact us.

China Office & Factory:

No. 9, Xin You Dong Road (Rong Gui) of ShunDe High Development Park, ShunDe, Foshan, China

Tel:0757-2839 8239

Fax: 0757-2839 9879

Sales Department: sales@mammothoutdoors.com.cn

Purchasing Department: subaochan@mammothoutdoors.com.cn

Hong Kong Head Office:

Unit 1110-1111, 11/Floor, ONE MID TOWN,
No. 11, Hoi Shing Road, Tsuen Wan. N.T.
Hong Kong.

Tel: (852) 2793-1259

Fax: (852) 2342-6658

Inquiry:  lawrence@mammothoutdoors.com.cn
